The registration of participants at the conference venue starts on Monday April 29 at 2 PM (14:00) in the spa building Libuše.
Accomodation is provided in the spa building Bezruč (2-bed rooms) and the cost is 5370 CZK for 1 person for 4 nights (from Monday till Friday), breakfast, lunch and dinner included!!!
How to get there?
I DRIVE THERE - parking is provided close to the conference spa building Libuše (Karlova Studánka 1, 793 24 Karlova Studánka)
I TRAVEL BY TRAIN/BUS - the best option is to get to Bruntal by train and then by bus to Karlova Studánka or contact organizors, they can pick you up at the train station Bruntál
Trains or bus from Olomouc main train station (Olomouc hlavní nádraží) to Bruntál train station (Bruntál žel. stanice) on Monday, April 29
Train R 847 Praděd - dep. 11:06 - arr. 12:24
Bus 914 - dep. 11:55 - arr. 13:11
Train R 849 Praděd - dep. 13:06 - arr. 14:24
Train R 849 Praděd - dep. 15:06 - arr. 16:24
Buses from Bruntál train station (Bruntál žel. stanice) to Karlova Studánka, dolní parkoviště on Monday, April 29
dep. 12:00 - arr. 12:39
dep. 12:51 - arr. 13:45
dep. 14:30 - arr. 15:27
dep. 15:15 - arr. 15:54
dep. 15:40 - arr. 16:33
dep. 16:40 - arr. 17:33
dep. 17:45 - arr. 18:38
dep. 18:05 - arr. 18:44